Jahr: 2019
Mitarbeiter Moral?
Gefühlt muss man annehmen, dass beinahe jeder Mitarbeiter unglücklich ist in seinem Unternehmen. Wie kommt das? Es gibt diverse Gründe, warum Mitarbeiter in Unternehmen unzufrieden…
Introduction to Transactional Function Point
Transactional functional point deals with data in motion. External users or systems interact with the application being counted through various transactional functions that bring data…
Software Estimation Techniques
There are many models for software estimation available and prevalent in the industry. Researchers have been working on formal estimation techniques since 1960. Early work…
Software Projects
Most of the surveys with software projects have identified missed budget and missed deadlines as the major criteria for failure of the project and meeting…
Project Overview
In the current business scenario where end users and Customers are very demanding, implementing a project with reduced budget and stricter deadlines has become a…